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Version: 3.0.0



-hhelp output usage information
-v, --versionreturns Runnerty version
-c, --configpath./config.jsonOverwrite path file config
-p, -P, --planpath./plan.jsonOverwrite path file plan of config file
-m, --memorylimitmemoryLimitMbSet default memory space limit for Runnerty (--max-old-space-size). It is necessary to restart Runnerty
-f, --force_chain_execchainIdForce chain execution
-fd, --forceDependentsIt should be indicated in case you want the chains that depend on the forces to be executed (For development tests)
--endEnd runnerty on force chain execution (-f)
--input_valuesinputValuesInput values for force chain execution (-f)
--custom_valuescustomValuesCustom values for force chain execution (-f)
--config_useruserNameUser for remote (url) config file (Basic Auth User)
--config_passwordpasswordPassword for remote (url) config file (Basic Auth Password)
-n, --namespacenamespace/sEnable the chains of the indicated namespace. It is possible to set a list of comma separated items
-en, --exclude_namespacenamespace/sDisable the chains of the indicated namespace. It is possible to set a list of comma separated items


runnerty -c /etc/runnerty/config.json -p /user/workdir/other_plan.json -f CHAIN_ONE --custom_values {\"YYYY\":\"1986\"} --end
runnerty -c /etc/runnerty/config.json -p /user/workdir/other_plan.json -f CHAIN_ONE -fd --custom_values '{"YYYY":"1986"}' --end
runnerty -c /etc/runnerty/config.json -p /user/workdir/other_plan.json -f CHAIN_ONE --custom_values '{"YYYY":"1986"}' --input_values '[{"KEY_1":"1-1", "KEY_2":"1-2"},{"KEY_1":"2-1", "KEY_2":"2-2"}]' --end