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Version: 3.1.0


In Runnerty we can make use of calendar events (ics) to allow or disallow the execution of triggers.


In the config.json file of the project we will add the path with a directory that contains calendars (calendarsFolder) or a list of calendars (calendars) in which we will indicate their name and path or url.

"general": {
"calendars": {
"holidays": "./my-calendars/holidays_2021.ics",
"not-working": "",
"special-dates": "./my-calendars/special-dates.ics"
"calendarsFolder": "./calendars/"

In the case of calendarsFolder, the name that will be assigned to the calendar will be the basename of the ics.

If our calendars folder contains these files
├── maintenances.ics
└── backups-windows.ics

The names assigned to each of the calendars will be maintenances and backups-windows.


In the configuration of any trigger we can include the calendars property in which we will indicate in the allow attribute the calendar based on which the trigger can be executed and / or in disallow the calendar based on which the trigger cannot run.

"id": "CHAIN_ONE",
"triggers": [
"id": "schedule_default",
"schedule_interval": "*/1 * * * *",
"calendars": {
"allow": "special-dates",
"disallow": "backups-windows"